CDN$ 493.26Average Per Night
Cancellations have varying refund rules based on how far in advance the request is received before the check-in date.
Refund percentage applies to total amount payable.
Free Cancellation
For reservations with arrival dates greater than 7 nights in the future, there is a 24 hour grace period from confirmation to cancel and receive a refund of the amount paid. Contact directly in this scenario.
Guest Cancellation Policy
Cleaning, pet and property manager fees are always refunded if the reservation is canceled before check-in. alluraDirect will mediate cancellation disputes when necessary, and has the final say in all disputes and resolution between the parties.
Website Service Fee
The alluraDirect service fee is refundable when owner refunds 100% otherwise non-refundable.
Cancellation policies may be superseded by the website extenuating circumstances policy, or cancellations by alluraDirect for any other reason permitted under the Terms of Service.
See our page Getting to Big White for more details.
See our Restaurant & Bar Guide for more details.
See our Services Page: Food & Wine section for more details.
There are lots of other activities to explore on the mountain, including ice skating, tubing, snowmobiling, dog sledding, horse-drawn sleigh rides, snowshoeing, as well as social events in the day lodges and restaurants throughout the season! For more information, take a look at our activities page.
We do have a small selection of pet friendly units. If, however, this is not stated as a pet friendly unit, we are unable to make exceptions. We try to accommodate our furry family members.
Simply get a parking permit from the concierge in the Central Reservations building in Happy Valley.
How can I receive a discount on lift tickets? Simply purchase lift tickets online directly through Big White Ski Resort – all online lift tickets are discounted compared to the window price! No promo code is required, all the ticket prices online are automatically discounted compared to ticket window prices.
Where to purchase:
There often is no need to have a car at Big White, everything is within walking distance! Especially if you are staying near the Village or in Happy Valley (with Gondola access to the Village). For getting to the mountain, Big White offers an airport shuttle, and there are other transportation providers detailed on our transportation page that can provide transport to and from Kelowna. On top of that, Vacation Foods offers grocery and liquor delivery to your rental accommodation – we can give them access to drop of groceries before you arrive so they are waiting for you.